

Index Germany

  403 addresses of German state and municipal archives



  A Jewish childhood and youth in Landau (Palatinate) until Kristallnacht by Lore Metzger
  Between Assimilation and Annihilation: Jews in Germany and Their Children by Dr. Andreas J. Schwab
  Bits and pieces: a Jewish teenager's recollections of the pogrom of November 9/10, 1938 in Caputh and Nuremberg by Ann Gerzon-Berlin
  Ferdinand Eberstadt (1808 Worms - 1888 Mannheim) and his Family by Ernest Goldsmith
  Kvatch mit Sauze. Observations of Jewish Emigrants on the Past and Present
  Memories and history of our family by Herb Meyers (born 1921 in Wiesbaden)
  Our Family by Heinz and Thea Ruth Skyte
  Prof. Ludwig Bauer: Our visits to Germany in 1987 & 1998 (Wuerzburg, Wiesenfeld, Thuengen, Forchheim, Ottensoos, Nuremberg, Munich)
  The Eastern Route Fleeing Germany: Two Eyewitness Stories from 1940



  Erna Neuberger-Kolb: Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Oederan and Bergen-Belsen
  German Multimedia - 1937
  Making up history: Erik Larson's book In the Garden of Beasts
  The Final Act of Wulkow by Herbert Kolb
  The one that got away: Samuel Kunz, the handyman of extermination in Belzec - a surprising sequel (by Willie Glaser)
  The Transportation List from Wulkow to Theresienstadt, provided by Mr. Werner Loeb



  Changing People's Minds? American Reorientation in Germany After World War II by Harald Leder
  Prof. Dr. Kurt E. Shuler: Forgetful Remembrance: Compromised Chemists at the Renaming Ceremony of the Richard Willstaetter Gymnasium 1965 in Nuremberg
  Switch to freedom: A hijacked train dashing through the Czech-German border in 1951
  Welcome to democratic Germany by Herbert Kolb



  Prof. emeritus Arnold Friedmann: November 9th 1938 - 1989 - 2009 in Germany
  This country sucks (Rod Stewart 2024 in Leipzig)



  Henry Kissinger on the Germans



  Clio-online: German-English internet gateway for historians with a customized meta-search engine and moderated mailing lists
  GerSIG, the German Special Interest Group of JewishGen, Inc., the largest network of Jewish genealogists worldwide.